How much does it cost to install a solar panel in Los Angeles?

The cost of solar panel installation in California is calculated on the basis of per Watt. Some installers also charge on the basis of per square foot. Well, you need to keep in mind that the average cost of solar panel installation in Los Angeles, CA, can be anything in between $9500 – $25,000 (avg. figures) and upwards if your energy requirement is more and the roof surface area is large.

The lowest and highest price totally depends on the amount of electricity consumption that you require at your house. You need to consider 10k to be the minimum cost, whereas the maximum cost can be anything, depending upon your needs. What’s more, you also get a tax credit of up to 26% of the total value of the system installed, and you can claim it through federal tax returns. For example, for a 2000 sq. ft. house, the cost is determined by how much electricity you use daily. If your needs are less, then  you can go ahead with a low Kw installation. This can help reduce the overall cost.

The above mentioned figures are just average or estimated values. The cost of installation can vary from one general contractor to another. There are solar panel installers in Los Angeles that charge $2.50 – $4.50 per watt. This figure fluctuates, and can be lower or higher. If you have a big house with a flat roof, you can go for a full roof coverage with solar panels. In that case, the cost would rise. If you install only one portion or side, the cost would come down.

Solar Panel Installation in Los Angeles

Is it worth installing solar panels in California?

It is definitely worth installing solar panels in stalets like California & Florida because it receives ample sunshine throughout the year, which can be utilized for converting into electricity. Moreover, the state tax rebate of almost 25-26% can help save a good amount of money in installation. If you do not want to depend on the central power grid and are sick & tired of paying high energy bills, solar panels are the answer. It helps create or generate your own electricity, and the cost of production and maintenance is low. When compared to the power grid.

A lot of southern California homes are taking full advantage of the weather conditions and now converting from conventional energy to solar panels. And companies like Jay Remodeling are helping them in their endeavor of becoming 100% energy-sufficient in meeting their daily electricity needs. Without any doubt, having a solar panel installed on your roof top can help save a lot of dollars every year that you end up paying to the central power grid that makes inflated bills every month.

Types of Installation Services

Now view the different types of solar panel installation services that not only help generate your own electricity, but also make the exteriors look modern. This is how homes are becoming self-sufficient in their energy needs.

Roof-top mounted Installed on length & breadth of the roof
Ground mounted Placed on the ground in the backyard
Terrace mounted Mounted on terrace for easy maintenance
Garden area Placed in the garden, lawn or in courtyard
Balcony mounted Place in and around your home’s balcony
Solar Panel Installation in Los Angeles

Can I install solar panels by myself?

You can, but for that you need a permit from the local building and safety department. Since it is a complex home improvement activity, requiring a high level of skills, know-how and expertise, it does require a legal permit from the concerned authorities of the state. If you’re a novice, please do not go ahead installing in a DIY manner, just by browsing through Google. You may land up in deep trouble, as it requires delinking from the central power grid and connecting with your own solar power grid. It is a high-risk activity that should only be handled by trained professionals that have the certification and training. You can call us at (424) 327-8743 and get a FREE quote.

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    FAQs On Solar Panel Installation


    Are there tax breaks on solar panel installation in California?

    Though the state of California does not offer a solar tax credit, the residents are eligible for solar tax credit which is worth 26% of that total value of the systems and components installed at your house.


    How many solar panels do I need to install?

    Since average Los Angeles households consume around 12,000 kWh per year, you will require at least 28-36 panels on your roof, in order to generate all your electricity needs in a proper and effective way.


    Is it worth installing solar panels?

    As mentioned earlier, it is totally worth installing such panels on your roof top, as you can save a lot on your monthly energy bills, since you would be generating your own electricity. You also get a higher resale value for your house.


    Can I really save money with solar panels?

    Yes. Solar panel systems can save a lot of money, which otherwise would be spent on paying inflated electricity bills to the local power grid. The cost of maintenance is low and the overall electricity production cost is also significantly lower.

    More information about Solar Energy