7 Benefits Of Building An ADU Unit On Your Property In Los Angeles

ADUs are very much beneficial in terms of adding extra space to your house. If you want to take care of your parents and do not want to hamper their privacy then ADU can be very beneficial. If you have growing children then you can add an ADU on your property that will help you generate more space for your children. Besides this, ADUs can give a lot of benefits thereby solving the space problem in your house.

7 Benefits Of Building An ADU Unit On Your Property In Los Angeles

You can contact Jay Remodeling in Los Angeles if you want to build an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) on your property. Our ADU experts will make you learn about the ADU ordinance that prevails in your location and also take care of your property while the construction work is going on. If you are a little skeptical about building an ADU unit on your property then there are a few reasons that will certainly motivate you to build one.


Additional Accommodation for elderly people

Elder people need our attention in their old age. So, if you have elder members in your house, an ADU unit can be a great addition to your home. If you want to take care of them by keeping a close watch on their health, you can think about building an ADU unit on your property. This way your parents can have a separate unit to live in without compromising their privacy.


It increases property value

ADU can increase your property value if built with the right plan. However, you have to abide by the ADU rules while building an ADU unit on your property. This way, you will not face any legal hassles in the future. Moreover, buyers will be attracted to a property with an additional dwelling unit, which will increase the property value to a great extent.


A recreational unit for your growing children

When your children grow up, the space available in your house falls short for them. With an ADU, you can resolve this issue. Your children can invite their friends and have birthday parties and spend quality time in this place. This way, you can also assure the privacy of other family members. You will not be disturbed when friends of your children visit your place.


Tax depreciation benefits

You can have tax benefits with an ADU unit. Several states have a law that allows tax depreciation for people who build ADU on their property. In this way, it can be a good investment also.


You can use this place for official work

During a pandemic, everybody is required to operate the office from home. So, if you have an ADU on your property, you can use this place for your office. Here, you can attend your video calls without getting disturbed, unlike in the family environment. Moreover, you will get a peaceful environment to fulfill all your work assignments.

Build an ADU of your choice

Additional income

ADU can be an additional income if you rent this place to tenants. This way, you can pay the bills and loans that you have taken during the construction of your house. Moreover, you can travel to your favorite places without worrying about your house if your tenants stay in your ADU unit.


It can work as your art workshop or study unit

ADU can work as a study unit if you want to prepare for any exam. It can be very beneficial if your children want to study in a peaceful environment. Moreover, you can store all your books and convert this space into your home library if you are a book lover and you have a good collection of books.

Besides this, you can use this space as your art workshop if you are running a home-based art and craft business. You can store your creations in this unit without a fear of damaging them with daily wear and tear.


Some Things To Keep In Mind Before You Build Your ADU

You can set your ADU plans in motion, but there are some things to keep in mind right at the start of the project. Here are the details for readers in brief.

The scope of work

You must know about the types of ADUs, you are allowed to build. You can plan an attached & detached ADU, JADU, or garage conversion project.

The regulations

You must know about the regulations laid down by the City Council for ADU construction. There are setback guidelines to meet for ADU build and your project must comply with them.

The site conditions

Is your site sloped? It will require strong foundation work. Similarly, if utilities are running underground at the proposed site, you may have to shift the granny project elsewhere.



ADUs can yield you many benefits if you build them with a proper plan and abide by the state law. So, if you are unaware of the ADU ordinance then you can take the help of our ADU experts who will guide you on how to build your ADU unit abiding by the rules and regulations that apply to your location. Moreover, If you want to ensure the safety of your property then you can hire our ADU professionals who know how to prepare your house before you start the construction.


Will I need additional parking space for an ADU?

You will need additional parking space for an ADU, but there are exceptions to the rule. You will not need additional parking space if the home lies within half a mile of a public transit stop.

How much space can I have within my ADU?

It will depend on the type of construction, you plan within your property. Here are the details in brief.

  • A detached ADU can have 1200 square feet.

  • An attached ADU can be 1200 square feet or half the area of the main building whichever is smaller

  • A JADU can be 500 square feet.

Can I have two ADUs within my property?

You are allowed to have a detached ADU and a JADU within the property.

Which type of ADU offers the maximum home value enhancement?

The detached ADU offers you the optimum home value enhancement.